Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Oh Crap!

Bought some new pumps a few weeks ago, Nike Lunarglide +. Pulled off a 16 mile run in them on the 17th Jan followed by a couple of 5 milers. Now I've developed a sharp pain in my right knee on impact when running.

Thinking it may be the new pumps (not enough support perhaps?) May go and have my gait checked this week.

Have a 14 mile XC in the New Forest this weekend and don't want it to be compromised by injury.

Yours depressingly


Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Bit of time out....

Hey dudes!

Had a bit of time out since the ACC but haven't stopped running altogether. Done a steady 180 ish miles up to today's blog update but now is where we start getting serious again.

Got a whole load of races planned for this year, and yes, we will be heading back to Kernow for the ACC at the beginning of October!! Here's a quick run-down for 2010: -

January 31st - 'Heartbreak Half Marathon' (XC) through the New Forest .
March 7th - Bath Half Marathon.
April 11th - Paris Marathon.
2nd May - Neolithic Marathon (XC).
June 5th - Dartmoor Discovery (32 mile Ultra) Undecided but probably next year!
June 27th - Downlander 10 - Great 10miler!
September 5th - Bristol Half.
September 12th - Chippenham Half.
September 19th - Sherston 10k.
October 1st - ACC Marathon Day 1 (XC).
October 2nd - ACC Marathon Day 2 (XC).
October 3rd - ACC Marathon Day 3 (XC).

This should take my lifetime marathon total to 8 (excluding the Dartmoor Discover) and my lifetime half marathon total to 13.

Watch this space....